Cython 3.0: The Next Generation of Python at the Speed of C


Cython is a Python library that allows you to write C extensions for Python. This means that you can write code that is compiled to C, which can run much faster than interpreted Python code. Cython also makes it easy to call C libraries from Python.

The latest version of Cython, 3.0, was released recently. This new version includes a number of improvements, including:

  • Cleanup and modernization of the existing code base
  • Pure Python mode expansion, which allows you to write Cython code that is fully compatible with Python
  • Improved Numpy support

Features of Cython 3.0

The cleanup and modernization of the existing code base makes Cython easier to use and more efficient. The pure Python mode expansion makes it possible to write Cython code that is fully compatible with Python, which can be useful for debugging and testing. The improved Numpy support makes it easier to use Numpy arrays in Cython code.


Cython 3.0 is a major release that includes a number of improvements. If you are looking for a way to write faster and more efficient Python code, then Cython 3.0 is a great option.


Additional Thoughts

  • Cython compares favorably to other tools for writing C extensions for Python, such as CFFI and SWIG. Cython is generally considered to be easier to use than CFFI and SWIG, and it can produce faster code.
  • Some potential use cases for Cython 3.0 include:
    • Writing high-performance scientific computing code
    • Writing code that needs to interact with C libraries
    • Writing code that needs to be embedded in a C application
  • The future plans for Cython include:

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